NUG announces inaugural awards

Thu, 16/05/2024 - 14:10 -- admin

The contribution of individuals and organisations using EMIS to improve patient care will be recognised at the first ever EMIS National User Group (NUG) Awards.

The awards will celebrate and highlight the innovative work of industry partners, practices and individuals – whether that’s telephony solutions, partner products or efficiency improvements to the EMIS system.

Winners will be named at a glitzy ceremony at The Rep & Library in Birmingham on Friday September 13, 2024, following the 2024 EMIS NUG Conference.

EMIS NUG chair Rachael Lankshear said: “The EMIS national user group is thrilled to launch the first ever EMIS NUG awards.

“Reflecting on the 2023 conference, we realised that there was so much good work and innovation taking place among EMIS users across the UK, but with an already packed conference agenda no time to time to fully celebrate it.

“And so, the idea for the EMIS NUG awards was born.

“We’re really looking forward to the first ever EMIS NUG Awards, which will take place as part of the conference gala dinner.”

Details on the how to enter will be available shortly – so keep an eye on our social media channels and website for details.

The categories are:

(Voted for by EMIS NUG members)

  • Best EMIS Partner Product Award 2024
  • Best Integrated Telephony Solution 2024
  • The EMIS NUG Super User Award 
  • The EduNug Super Learner Award 2024 -  for most EduNug Training Modules completed this year.

(Decided by a judging panel)

  • EMIS NUG Protocol Award – for most innovative creation and use of an EMIS Protocol
  • EMIS NUG Health Equality Award – for best use of EMIS Web to reduce health inequalities
  • EMIS NUG System Award – for the best cross organisational use of EMIS Web
  • EMIS NUG Access Award – for the best use of EMIS Web to improve patient access
  • EMIS NUG Wellbeing Award – for the best use of EMIS Web to support and promote patient wellbeing
  • EMIS NUG Population Reporting Award – for the most impressive patient search built in EMIS Web
  • EMIS NUG Health Innovation Award – for the most innovative approach to managing patient health using EMIS Web
  • EMIS NUG System Champion Award – for championing all things EMIS.

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