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Watchdog Meeting 13.1.21 notes

Rachael Lankshear leads this group. There is a Facebook page for logging issues. These should already have been raised through the normal EMIS support channels and are unresolved. Please log development requests on Facebook UDR page for User Development Requests.

The meeting started with discussions around the national incident, which caused to widespread connectivity issues and how information regarding this could have been shared more quickly with Users.  Users were left thinking that EMIS had an issue, when it was a national infrastructure failyre. EMIS Web users had the advantage of the local spoke servers giving at least some functionality whereas it is of note that System One practices had no access to records at all.

.         Resource Publisher – recent work seems to have improved this greatly.  Some committee members still do not have RP, so are hoping that the roll out continues soon  This tool when working well has helped to change the culture in some areas, with resources being widely shared across PCNs and locality groups.

·         Appointment Book Refresh – the fix is being signed off this week and will be included in a forthcoming patch update.  Not clear at this time when that will happen.  A committee member shared details of a recent significant event at her practice, caused by a locum leaving with patients on their list, which was attributed to the known refresh issue.

·         EPS4 – Caching project is now complete and was activated on one domain yesterday.  Awaiting feedback before further roll out.  NHSD have prioritised work on a project to increase upload speeds.  Discussions were had regarding the measurement of success for this work.  Sadly, this directive from NHSD will see a delay to the team starting working on the bulk prescription signing project.  The GPs on the committee stressed the significance of this piece of work and the impact that this will have for Users.

·         Top 10 and Top 100 Problems – the EMIS team are making some changes in the background to how the rankings are calculated to ensure that clinical safety concerns are accurately reflected.  Once complete, this information will be available via EMIS NOW.

·         EMIS NOW Single Sign-On – no update on this request.  The committee again stressed how usage of this would increase if Users did not have to sign in again, after being logged in to EMIS.

·         EMIS NOW Live Chat – no update on this.  Again discussion regarding the need for this to be real time support from a person.

·         PCIT Templates – the issue with these resources causing EMIS to crash now seems resolved.

·         Reporting – QOF reports are still not running daily and Users from across many forums are still reporting delays and queueing issues with some reports hanging for hours.  No update on this issue.  Will be taken away for an update at the next meeting.

·         GP2GP – failure messaging issues now seem to have been resolved.  Cross border GP2GP not in the pipeline at the moment but are included in dissolved nations meetings through NHSD.

·         Performance Issue Monitoring – statistics were asked for in our October meeting, but none have been shared to date.  Update expected at the next meeting.

·         Speed Issues – the committee fed back the number of User reporting speed issues over the past few weeks.  This will be fed back to the EMIS team with the hope of an update at the next meeting.

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